It's been a VERY busy three days, but I made it through - thanks so much to everyone who came out to the shows, especially those who trekked out to Guilford - which was moved indoors given the unpleasant weather. We also raised a bundle of money for the kids and staff of Nkoaranga orphanage at
The Small Things through your contributions with the paper necklaces - thanks so much! The absolute highlight of the weekend - getting to see the gorgeous Grace and her mom Jean, who was my dorm mother in my sophomore year of high school, when Gracie was born! She's grown up a bit since then...
In Clinton on Saturday |
For the future, I highly recommend both shows - the
Shoreline Jewish Festival was well organized and managed to transfer inside on a few hours notice, no small feat for such a big event. The
Clinton Summer Fair was fabulous, with live music, an auction, great food, tons of people, interesting vendors, a train, moonbounce, face painting and art projects for kids! In addition, the organizers were out of this world and went the extra mile to make sure everyone had a good time, including the vendors - truly good people doing good work.
Also, I highly recommend the work Susan Canarella is doing in Uganda through her organization
Beads4dreams, which buys paper beads from women in the vicinity of a particular hospital in Uganda, and uses all the proceeds to continue to support that hospital and the surrounding community. Beautiful work, beautiful project, gorgeous kids.
Looking forward to doing the shows next year, if I'm on the continent!